I've been working on new things. I've been playing around with wire wrapping. I've been using wire since the early 90's when you had to buy the hardware store kind. Not always a nice wire. I had made earrings more than bracelets.
I've always been interested in making more interesting bracelets and so I started wire wrapping. My first idea was to make them wide enough to make armbands but I've found another one for those, polymer clay. I'll tell you about those in another blog.
Anyway, here's what I have up for sale now. I made a few for myself, like I need another piece of jewelry.
Hope you like it. Erika
these are great! i love wire wrapped jewelry too. (i thought there was always room for another piece of jewelry!) ;]
I have sooooooooo much jewelry its insane.
me too...i love it!
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